RootsDev is an informal community of developers, designers, database managers, family historians, and genealogists who are working with genealogical tools and data.
Join the RootsDev Google Group or view us on GitHub.
Join us if...
- You're working on an open-source family tree program and want to discuss it.
- You're want to talk about new standards like historical-data or old standards like GEDCOM.
- You're trying to figure out how to use APIs to sites like FamilySearch.
- You're looking for an open-source project to contribute to.
- You want to get feedback for your closed-source software or recruit developers for your company.
- You're trying to figure out how to encode documents of genealogical interest.
RootsDev Background
RootsDev spun off of a conversation on the Family Search Developer Network mailing list. One developer suggested that we needed a community, another suggested we needed standards, another suggested we needed to rally behind an open-source project, and yet another just wanted a place to discuss development practices in the family history domain.
Eventually we created RootsDev, modeled on the successful community of library programmers at #code4lib.